Whether it’s cancer, heart disease, multiple sclerosis or stroke, it’s difficult to predict who will be affected by these diseases.
Statistics, however, have a lot to say about those who fall ill and can be a cause for concern.
- In 2007, 2,933 cancer cases were diagnosed each week
- 70% of cancer-related expenses result from indirect costs
- In Canada, one woman in nine will be stricken by breast cancer during their lifetime
- One in four Canadians will suffer heart disease during their lifetime
- One person in 20 will be the victim of a stroke
- 60% of strokes cause long-term disability
Luckily, statistics also show that medical advances and improved lifestyles are contributing to patient recovery from these and other illnesses in addition to helping people live longer lives.
- 55%* of people afflicted with cancer will recover
- 82% of people will survive their first heart attack
- 75% of people will survive their first stroke
* Statistics can be higher or lower depending on age, sex, and the type of cancer.
Sources: Canadian Cancer Society, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
TL;DR Critical Illness is Cancer Insurance.
Thanks for the writeup. I definitely agree with what you are saying. I have been talking about this subject a lot lately with my father so hopefully this will get him to see my point of view. Fingers crossed! visit the site